If you have received your voting registration form through the post (see first picture) then you have a number of ways to register to vote. One of these is by post (full details here). A much simpler way is online using the CTT key that they provide.
Below is a simple walk through the process to get you registered to vote in no time. Don’t forget, you MUST register BEFORE the 15th January, 2023, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to have your say in the management of your municipality.

A – Visit the webpage https://sede.ine.gob.es and click on the tab ‘Trámites’.

B – Click on the link ‘Inscripción en el Censo Electoral de Extranjeros Residentes en España de ciudadanos nacionales de paÃÂses con Acuerdos’

C – Click on the link ‘Presentación de la solicitud’

D – Click on the link ‘Accesso NIE – CTT’

E – 1: In the first box enter your full NIE number. 2: In the second box enter the CTT code (3) from your registration form. 4: Click on ‘Acceptar’.

F – You will now see a page with all your Census details at the bottom of which is a section for Municipal elections which will be blank. Press on the link ‘pulse aqui’.

G – You will now see a section at the bottom of the page ‘Información de manifestiación de voto’, under which is ‘Elecciones Municipales’. 1: Click on the dropdown box which will g¡ve you two options ‘No’ or ‘Si’. 2: Click on ‘Si’, then 3: Click on ‘Enviar’.

H – On this page you should see a ‘Si’ next to ‘Elecciones Municipales’. 1: Click on ‘pulse aqui’ to receive a confirmation note in .pdf format. 2: Finish off by clicking ‘Terminar’.

There you go, all done. Now just make sure to turn out on Sunday, 28th May, 2023, and exercise your right to have your say in the running of Manilva.
Manilva Life will bring you full coverage of the lead up to the local elections, and everything you need to know to cast your vote on the day, so make sure to follow us here on www.manilva.life and on our Facebook page @TheManilvaLife