The Department of Culture, led by Fina Gómez, has planned a reenactment of the Passion of Christ in Manilva on Tuesday, 26th March. Starting from the church of Santa Ana, the various stages will be enacted by members of the Municipal School of Music, Dance, and Theatre at a number of locations on the route through the streets of Manilva culminating at the Plaza de la Vendimia.
Scene Guide:
1 – Jesus in Jerusalem: 7.15 pm.
2 – Judas visits Caiaphas: 7.25 pm.
3 – Last Supper: 17.40 pm.
4 – Prayer in the Garden: 8 pm.
5 – Caiaphas shows his face: 8.10 pm.
6 – Incorporation of the 3 Marys into Jesus’ entourage (Marian Saeta). Break: 8.30 pm.
7 – Jesus is condemned before Pilate: 9 pm.
8 – Via Dolorosa: First Fall: 9.20 pm.
9 – Via Dolorosa: Second Fall: 9.30 pm.
10 – Via Dolorosa: Third Fall: 9.40 pm.
11 – Crucifixion and Resurrection: 10 om.
All timings are approximate.