A week or so ago there was a post on one of the mod pages on Facebook asking who were the current batch of solo artists and bands that could be classed as Modern Day mods. It was an interesting post, and forms the basis of tonight’s show. The suggested bands were so good that I could not bring myself to cut out anyone out of the show so tonight we over run. Not everyone will agree with the choices made and there are bound to be some bands that have been missed off, but come on, join me tonight to make your own mind up. In this extended show you will hear recently released tracks from the old boys, The Lambrettas, the Chords and The Truth as well as great tracks from the new pretenders to the Mod crown, Graham day, The Hurricanes, The Spitfires, Nick Corbin, The K’s, The Shoots, The Clause, The Comms, Jake Bugg, Fay Hallam, Heavyball, Miles Cane, Electric Looking Glass and more.



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