At this year’s Noche de San Juan, on Friday 23rd June, La Rada beach will host the free concert by Javier Ojeda and his band. During the performance, which will begin at 10 pm, he will present his latest solo album, in addition to playing tracks from 40 years in music along with hits from his time fronting the legendary “Danza invisible”.
IThe concert will also feature guest appearances by artists such as the world renowned guitarist from Estepona Daniel Casares, the singer and guitarist of the group Airbag from Estepona, Adolfo DÃÂaz, and Julia MartÃÂn, recent winner of the 1st Exhibition of Female Artists in Malaga.
Also, at 9 pm the XLIII Contest of “Burning the Bigotes de San Juan” will begin. The residents from various parts of Estepona build satirical “Júas” effigies which poke fun at local characters or events, which are finally burned on the bonfire. Prizes are awarded for the best ‘Juas·.
The bonfires are lit at midnight, at the beginning of the Night of San Juan.
Coinciding with this festivity, the Paseo MarÃÂtimo de Estepona will host the “Magical Market of the Night of San Juan”, which opens on Thursday 22nd June, at 6 pm until June 25th, at which you can enjoy craft and gastronomy stalls, fire shows, workshops, entertainment, axe throwing and exhibitions from 12 noon to 2 pm and from 6 pm to midnight.