The annual Manilva Romeria will be held on 3rd and 4th June at the Hermitage of Baños de la Hedionda.
Saturday 3rd June
10.30 am – the Holy Mass and blessing of the pilgrims will take place in the Church of Santa Ana.
This is followed by the transfer of Our Lady of Fatima from the Church to the San Adolfo Hermitage, accompanied by the Peña Caballista de Manilva riding club and the “Los Kruos” Hiking Club.
Once there, the riders will make the traditional floral offering to the Virgin and then celebrate the Holy Rosary inside the Hermitage.
Those who attend the pilgrimage will be able to enjoy, free of charge, the traditional country soup.
Around 4 pm, there will be music and dancing with a concert by the group “Km 90” and, then, the performance of the students of the Jéssica Quiñones Body Expression Dance School will take place.
8.30 pm – the group “Compás Flamenco” will take the stage to entertain the audience and, from 10 pm, they will be able to enjoy the music of DJ Pollo until dawn.
Sunday 4th June 4
1 pm, the Holy Romero Mass will take place in honour of Our Lady of Fatima, sung by the Choir of the “José Castillo Collado” Municipal School of Music. During the day, the bar will prepare a paella at popular prices. In the afternoon there will be fried cakes with chocolate.
It should be noted that the bar takings will benefit the Brotherhood of Manilva.
Starting at 4 pm the group “La Mala Hora†will perform to round off the Manilva Pilgrimage.