The Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Father Jesús Nazareno of Manilva already has the complete program of the events that will be part of Holy Week 2024.
With the collaboration in each of the activities by the Culture delegation, led by Fina Gómez, on 22nd March from 7 pm. The presentation of the processional marches by the Municipal Music Band and the proclamation by Francisca Esteban Zotano will take place.
24th March – Palm Sunday
At 11 am there will be the traditional blessing of the palms and the celebration of the Holy Mass, which will be followed by the Borriquita procession.
27th March – Holy Wednesday
The programme continues with the Via Crucis starting at 11 pm (Temple – Calles Cuartel, Cruces, Camino Calvario, Calle Cruces – Temple).
28th March – Holy Thursday
After the Holy Mass at 7 pm the procession of Our Father Jesús Nazareno will leave (Temple – Calles Cuartel, Cruces, Jimena, Mar, Ãlvarez Leiva, Mar, Iglesia, back to the Temple). In addition, the Brotherhood points out that for the worship of the Holy Temple, during the night the church will remain closed from midnight to 7 am.
29th March – Good Friday
The events will begin at 5 pm with the Adoration of the Cross, the procession of the Holy Burial and Our Lady of Sorrows. (Temple – Calles Cuartel, Cruces, Jimena, Mar, Ãlvarez Leiva, Mar, Iglesia, back to the Temple).
At midnight on this same day, the Soledad procession will begin in the strictest silence. (Temple – Calles Cuartel, Cruces, Jimena, Mar, Ãlvarez Leiva, Mar, Iglesia, back to the Temple)
30th March – Holy Saturday
At 11 pm the Blessing of the fire will be celebrated in the atrium of the church and the solemn Easter Vigil.
March 31- Easter Sunday
The celebration of this Passion Week ends with the Holy Mass at 12 noon and the procession of the SantÃsimo Cristo resucitado (Temple – Calles Cuartel, Cruces, Jimena, Mar – Meeting – Calle Iglesia and return to the Temple) and the Holy Virgen del Rosario (Temple – C/Iglesia – Mar – Meeting and return to the Temple).