The Town Hall has published a reminder of pet owners responsibilities under the Ley 11/2003, de 24 de noviembre, de Protección de los Animales.
You are reminded of the mandatory compliance with Law 11/2003, of November 24, on the protection of animals, with a view to coexistence and use of public spaces:
Article 4. Prohibitions
1. Without prejudice to the exceptions established in this Law, it is prohibited:
b) The abandonment of animals.
q) Keep animals in places where they cause obvious inconvenience to the neighbours.
Article 12. Protection of public spaces
1. Animals may only access roads and public spaces when they are with their owners and do not constitute a danger to passers-by or other animals.
2. All dogs will be on a leash and provided with the corresponding identification. Those of more than 20 kilograms must wear a muzzle, be on a resistant and non-extensible leash and be under the control of people of legal age, under the conditions determined by regulation.
Guide dogs for people with visual impairments will be exempt in any situation from being led with a muzzle.
3. The person who walks the animal is obliged to collect its droppings on roads and public spaces, except in those areas authorised for this purpose by the relevant Town Council.
Article 13. Access to public transport
1. Owners of pets may access public transport with them when there are spaces specially set aside for them and they prove that the animal meets the hygienic-sanitary conditions and complies with the security measures determined by law.
2. However, the competent municipal authority may order and regulate time restrictions on the access of pets to public transport, without prejudice to what is established in the current regulations on the use in Andalucia of guide dogs by people with visual impairments.
Article 38. Very serious offences
a) Mistreatment of animals that causes disability or death.
b) The abandonment of animals.
Article 39. Serious offences
b) Failure to carry out the mandatory vaccinations and treatments provided for in the applicable regulations.
c) Not keeping the animals in good hygienic-sanitary conditions or in the conditions established by the applicable regulations.
d) Possession of animals not registered or identified in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 40. Minor offences
e) The disturbance by animals of the tranquillity and rest of the neighbours.
f) Failure to immediately collect the excrement left by the pet on public roads.
g) Any other action that contradicts the obligations or infringes the prohibitions of this Law and is not classified as a serious or very serious infraction.
Article 41. Sanctions
1. The indicated infractions will be penalised with fines of:
a) 75 to 500 euros for minor ones.
b) 501 to 2,000 euros for the serious ones.
c) 2,001 to 30,000 euros for the very serious.
In accordance with the provisions of article 131.2 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, the fine to be imposed may be increased by the amount of the benefit obtained by carrying out conduct classified as an offence.